Skilled Creative Guest Speaker at the Voice Lunch

Our Group Account Director, Heather Peterson, was a guest speaker at the global Voice Lunch organization on Tuesday. There, she joined Ben McCulloch along with 25 other industry professionals to discuss an array of topics within the voice industry including how to measure the success of a voice program and what’s on the horizon for voice branding. 

She says, “Voice isn’t the new kid on the block anymore. We’re spending less time explaining to clients what voice is and what can be done on it, and more time thinking strategically about how to build a true voice program to define their presence in the space and identify how users are already interacting with their brand/brand-adjacent content.”

Feel free to message us to learn more about voice from our top team members.


In The News | Brandon Kaplan CEO of Skilled Creative and Co-Founder of Journey – Voicebot Podcast Ep 257


Skilled Creative is Acquired By Journey!